Commons: Knot, Joint and Trust 2023
encaustic, pigment on board.
Commons: Fallow Hollow 2023
encaustic, pigment on board.
Unravelling 2019
encaustic, pigment, seeds (phragmites australis) on board.
Nurtured 2019
encaustic, pigment, grass (bog sedge) on board.
Enmeshed 2019
encaustic, pigment, grass, leaves on board.
Floodplain 2023
found sticks, woven handmade string (phormium) .
Intricate Bond 2023 (detail)
random weave of foraged reeds and grass (typha, phragmites, themeda)
Unravelled and Interwoven
A continuing series of multimedia landscape explorations. The works aim to utilise natural found and foraged materials from local bee’s wax to cordage hand-made from plants on site.
Selections of these works have been shown at various exhibitions including:
BelcoArts Centre, Canberra
Hazelhurst Broadhurst Gallery, Gymea
WayOut Artspace, Kandos
all image credits: Leanne Thompson
Extended System (misteltoe) 2023 (detail)
ephemeral installation at Hazelhurst Art Centre, Gymea
foraged & woven plants (eucalyptus, amyena, juncus) copper wire, fungi, ricpaper, paint, shadow.
“mysterious patterns
belonging to nature,
liberated and coaxed into new form.”
Subtle Shadow 2021
encaustic, pigment, grass, seeds (themeda & eragrotis) on board.
Imperceptible 2021
encaustic, pigment, grass, seeds (themeda, chloris) on board.
Memory Drift 2023
aquarelle, gouache on board.
Steeping and Seeping 2023
aquarelle, gouache on board.
Becoming (after Goethe) 2023 (detail)
iteration of ephemeral installation at BelcoArts Centre grass, cane, rice paper, wax.
Subterranea 2013
multimedia on rag paper.