Seep was crafted by clumping strands together and with a ‘cradle to cradle’ mentality, worked on making an individual version of continuous rope using only the grass strands to create a form that relied on the strength of each strand that wound the bunch was based in the fact it was embedded to the group by all the strands before.
This rope was then woven into an open cocoon shape. This began in the studio but then the form was taken to an exhibition at Airspace Gallery, where it was continued through weaving and audience participate in the weaving process. This installation, Seep, included conversations about the floodplain close to the gallery in Marrickville, sea level rise and with reference to maps included in the installation, we considered the council push to drain and develop the site and also an alternative re-visioning of urban design, that would include wetland areas as functional biological infrastructure: cleaning water, sequestering carbon and harbouring wildlife.
Impressure exhibition 2016, Airspace Projects, Marrickville